Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрімен кездесу
2022 жылғы 19 қаңтарда Солтүстік Қазақстан облысы және Петропавл қаласының «ATENK» ағылшын тілі мұғалімдерінің қауымдастығы ҚР Б...
?Best Lesson Plan 2022?
ATENK is launching the annual contest BLP 2022!
Find all the details:
Best Teacher Award – 2021 results
The beginning of the school year started with our 2nd annual Best Teacher Award contest, aimed at recognizing and celebrating the very best English language ...
On October 22, 2021, Olga Paterova, a representative of the RELO (Regional English Language Office), the US Embassy in Kazakhstan, visited our region.
A meeting was organized to discuss the issues of...
On Saturday, October 23, we had a great event - ATENK Leadership Camp.The event took place in the Greenwood Hotel, Petropavlovsk. The host of the event was Albina Kassenova – the President of ATENK. T...
The Regional English Language Office (RELO) cooperates with Ministries of Education, teachers’ associations, universities, schools and English language teaching (ELT) professionals on a variety of educational and cultural exchange programs and projects in order to enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of Central Asia and the United States
American Corners are friendly and welcoming American-style resource centers. They are open to public and completely free of charge. Located at the library named after S.Mukanov in Petropavlovsk
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It is our mission to further the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide
EDUStream educational company work in three areas: Center for Language Learning, Center for Education Abroad and the official exclusive representative of the international publishing house ExpressPublishing
Elt-training is a web site that aims to provide training support for trainee and novice English language teachers as well as more experienced teachers, too. There are short video films about wide-ranging topics
Солтүстық Қазақстан облысы, Петропавл қ., С.Мұқанов атындағы облыстық әмбебап ғылыми кітапхана, American Corner Petropavlovsk